7 Benefits of Using Salviv Dead Sea Magnesium Oil to Relax Muscles

7 Benefits of Using Salviv Dead Sea Magnesium Oil to Relax Muscles

Dead sea magnesium oil offers numerous benefits as it relaxes muscles. This unique compound provides many benefits to you with every application, and Salviv Dead Sea magnesium oil uses the purest ingredients to deliver results.

What is Dead Sea Magnesium Oil?

Dead Sea magnesium oil from Salviv is mined in its liquid ionic state, which means it needs no added processing. This allows for fewer processes between you and the Dead Sea oil you use on your body, which means fewer possible contaminants.

Magnesium oil from the Dead Sea is magnesium chloride, which is reputed to have the best bioavailability. This type of magnesium is found in both rocks and saltwater, though Salviv chooses to harvest from the Dead Sea because it provides the most benefits with every application.

The water of the Dead Sea holds 21 different compounds and supports a salinity of 35% on average. This unique combination is complex to reproduce artificially, so Salviv harvests directly from the Dead Sea.

Why Does Magnesium Oil Work on Muscles?

Magnesium, a mineral, is involved in over 300 cellular reactions throughout your body. Everything from your heart to your brain requires magnesium, yet many people do not get enough magnesium through food. This issue leads to magnesium deficiency, which has many possible symptoms.

Magnesium oil delivers a targeted burst of magnesium exactly where the problem is. This magnesium is available locally for reactions that help relax muscles that are causing pain or tension. Additionally, by increasing only the locally available magnesium, there is minimal risk.

The 7 Benefits of Salviv Dead Sea Magnesium Oil

Local Application

Magnesium oil allows local application directly to the muscle area that’s causing pain. This option ensures that the magnesium is available for reactions where you need it most. This approach provides faster relief and may lessen the risks associated with heavy magnesium supplementation.

Magnesium oil for relaxing muscles avoids the gut absorption issues that come with supplements. Gut absorption can be slow or inefficient for several reasons ranging from chronic illness to diet to incompatible preparations. Plus, your body may send the magnesium from gut absorption to other areas instead of sore muscles.

Transdermal Absorption

Dead Sea Magnesium Oil for relaxing muscles uses transdermal absorption, which means directly through the skin. The skin supports magnesium transporters that can move it through the layers. Since magnesium oil can be absorbed well in this way, it is the best choice for targeted relief.

Since Salviv uses ionic magnesium from the Dead Sea, this oil is even more practical for absorption through the skin. This property enables a higher proportion of bioavailability, which means the body can use more of each application. That means more magnesium for more relief from symptoms.

Improved Muscle Recovery

Magnesium has shown some protective qualities in muscles. The mineral mediates oxidation stress, which is a technical way to say it limits how many free radicals form during exercise. With fewer free radicals, muscle recovery is often faster, and you may feel less sore for less time.

Additionally, magnesium is a co-factor in several lactic acid production and buildup reactions. Lactic acid signals your body to show which areas need healing or resources, so no matter what, you will always have some. However, magnesium tends to mean less lactic acid is produced, and it clears faster.

Reduces Tension

Magnesium interacts on many levels with the nervous system, which controls everything your body does. In addition to helping promote GABA release, it also binds to excitatory neurotransmitters that tell the body there is stress. This combination addresses tension in two ways to achieve the maximum possible effect.

In relaxing muscles, magnesium can promote reactions that reduce muscle spasms or cramping. Magnesium also binds to calcium. Since calcium tells muscles to contract, having it bound and unable to interact can release tension your body holds.

Abundance of Other Minerals

Dead Sea magnesium oil, particularly from Salviv, holds many other minerals that support your healthy body. Many of these interact positively with magnesium and improve its overall effectiveness. Effectively, choosing Dead Sea magnesium oil means selecting a product with a higher probability of success.

People have visited the Dead Sea for centuries for its healing properties, and modern science has extensively studied them. The high concentrations of minerals are due to the intense evaporation of water. These concentrations were historically used on skin conditions, though many other uses have since been discovered.

Sleep Assistance

Magnesium oil can promote restful sleep, and Dead Sea magnesium oil contains several minerals that enhance the effect. This oil, applied directly to any problem areas, can bind with the neurotransmitters that interfere with a good night’s rest.

Additionally, magnesium oil can help target areas that keep you up at night. Dead Sea magnesium oil is excellent for cramps and restless leg syndromes. By applying directly to the area, you can get fast relief without exceeding the recommended daily amount of magnesium.

Bonus Benefits

Choosing Salviv Dead Sea magnesium oil also provides many additional benefits beyond relaxing muscles. These benefits are possible due to the transdermal application of the oil and the other minerals present in the unique environment of the Dead Sea.

Historically, the Dead Sea was the place to cure skin ailments. Due to the high salinity and the mix of minerals in the water, Salviv magnesium oil is also fantastic for the skin. Applying it may help your skin keep moisture, act as a better barrier, and more.

Magnesium oil has also been shown to impact inflammation in joints. This effect can help in areas like the hands, where multiple problems may occur concurrently. Magnesium and other minerals act as co-factors to address the local inflammation, and since they’re delivered via transdermal absorption, you can precisely target areas that hurt.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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